Below you can find all of the information you need to assist you in paying course fees for the Diploma in English Law and Legal Skills, including dates for payment, payment amounts and the method for payment
British Law Centre Fees
A fee is payable to Juris Angliae Scientia – the Cambridge-based educational charity which runs the British Law Centre. The fee payable differs depending on whether you are eligible for the earlybird fee (because you paid the first payment of EUR 200 to the BLC before 30 June) and if you are a student.
You are entitled to pay Student Fees if you provide us with evidence confirming your status as a full-time University student or a current student of a vocational course which must be passed before you can practise as a lawyer – i.e. aplikacja prawna or however the relevant lawyers’/judges’/prosecutors’ training courses are called in your country. Unless you provide us with credible evidence of your eligibility to pay the Student Fees rate, you will be obliged to pay the Non-Student Fees rate.
If you are a student, the fees payable are:
Earlybird Fees | EUR 575 |
Non-Earlybird Fees | EUR 660 |
If you are not a student, the fees payable are:
Earlybird Fees | EUR 775 |
Non-Earlybird Fees | EUR 860 |
Fees are payable in two Payments:
First Payment | EUR 200 | Payable within 14 days of being offered a place on the diploma course (to benefit from the earlybird discount, this must be paid by 30 June) |
Second Payment | 100% of the remaining course fees (i.e. what is left to be paid) | Payable by 31 October |
If you wish to pay the course fees in three instalments instead of two, please check the dates below regarding payment in instalments
Payment in Three Instalments
It is possible to pay course fees for the diploma course in three instalments. The dates for making the three instalments are as follow:
First Instalment OF EUR 200 | Payable within 14 days of being offered a place on the diploma course (to benefit from the earlybird discount, this must be paid by 30 June) |
Second Instalment | Payable by 31 October |
Third Instalment | Payable by 28 February |
In order to determine the amount payable for each instalment (determined by your status as student/non-student and whether you are eligible for the Earlybird discount), please use the questionnaire below, and follow the link to complete the relevant Payment Order
Method for payment
All payments to the BLC are processed via our website. You must first complete the appropriate payment order, where you will be given the opportunity to input data needed for the automatic generation of an invoice as well as to choose to pay by bank transfer or automatic card payment.
When completing the payment order, you will choose to pay the First Payment either by direct bank transfer or by card, using Stripe. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, you will receive an email with the bank account details for the transfer. Payment is in EUR, so unless you have a EUR account, we strongly advise that you use Revolut or Transferwise (or similar service) to make the transfer, as they provide cheaper currency-exchange services than Visa, Mastercard etc.
Once your payment has been received by us, your place on the DELLS course will be confirmed and this will be updated on your payment dashboard on the BLC website. Please note that it may take several days for payments to appear on our bank accounts, which means that your payment status may take up to two weeks after payment before it confirms the payment.
To choose the correct payment order, please complete the questionnaire below
Once your payment has been received by us, this will be updated on your payment dashboard on the BLC website. To view the payment dashboard, please ensure that you are logged in to the system.
Please note that it may take several days for payments to appear on our bank accounts, which means that your payment status may take up to two weeks after payment before it confirms the payment.
Student Status Confirmation
Please upload a scan of your student ID or equivalent document regarding the vocational training course you are currently registered on here
Host University Fees
At some of our centres, there is a fee payable directly to the local university. The fee, and the method of payment is determined by the local university. A local fee is only payable if it is clearly stated in the ‘fees’ section of the centre-specific page on our website, and you received specific information about it from us by email when you were accepted onto the diploma.
Confirmation of Host University Fees
Please upload confirmation of your payment to the host university using the form below:
What if I want to cancel my participation in the diploma course?
After we accept your application and offer you a place on the course, you have 14 days within which to inform us by email that you wish to withdraw, otherwise you become obliged to pay the non-refundable €200 First Payment. You will be formally registered as a Diploma Participant and granted access to the BLC’s website, from which you can access the course materials.
Anyone who chooses to withdraw from the course, for whatever reason, later than 14 days from the date on which we accepted your application and offered you a place on the course must email us to clearly state this, or complete the form below.
A Participant’s withdrawal will have the following effect on the course fees due:
Withdrawal date | Impact on fees still owed |
Within 14 days of us having offered you a place on the course* | No fees are payable |
More than 14 days after we offered you a place on the course* |
€200 First Payment must have been paid (and remains due if not paid).
After 31 October |
You become obliged to pay the full course fees, but can pay in instalments if you wish.
After 28 February | 100% of total fees must be paid by this date |
* The 14-day period will be deemed to have expired on 31 October in any case (e.g. if we offer someone a place on 20 October, the 14-day period will be deemed to have expired on 31 October).
To withdraw, you can email us or complete the form below:
This course does not have any sections.