Qualify as a Solicitor in England and Wales
The British Law Centre (“BLC”) has partnered with BARBRI, the global legal education provider, to offer BLC students and alumni the ability to participate in courses to prepare for qualification as a lawyer in the UK or US. BLC students and alumni benefit from a 20% discount on BARBRI’s regular prices for these courses.
The BLC-BARBRI partnership offers courses to comprehensively prepare BLC students and alumni for the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE), which is the centralised way to qualification as a solicitor in England and Wales. The SQE can be undertaken by people with a first-level degree (in any subject, not necessarily law) or equivalent level 6 qualification. A fast-track version of the SQE can be utilised by people who are already qualified as lawyers in their home country.
The BLC-BARBRI partnership also applies to BLC students/alumni who wish to study for the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) and qualify as a US attorney.
BARBRI provides industry-leading legal education to prepare applicants to pass the SQE and UBE. It offers comprehensive courses which expertly blend technology and innovative teaching strategies, to prepare candidates for qualifying exams, both in the UK and the US. Its students achieve examination pass rates that are second-to-none and it has over 50 years of experience in helping people to qualify as practising lawyers.
What is the SQE?
The Solicitor Qualification Exam (SQE) replaced the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) and Legal Practice Course (LPC) in 2021.
The SQE has been designed to establish the competence of candidates qualifying as solicitors. All candidates who have passed the SQE will have demonstrated the competencies specified by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) through the Statement of Solicitor Competence (SoSC).
This completely new method for testing your readiness to become a solicitor in England and Wales requires a completely new method of preparation and that’s what BARBRI offers. BARBRI has been the overwhelming choice of law students in the U.S. for decades.
The Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) is an independent centralised assessment, which every aspiring solicitor in England and Wales must undergo. It is modelled on the qualified lawyers transfer scheme (QLTS), which was the previous fast track route for foreign lawyers seeking admission as solicitors in England and Wales.
There are two parts to the SQE assessment:
What is required to qualify as a solicitor in England and Wales?
Those who qualify under the SQE will need to:
- have a degree in any subject (or equivalent qualification or experience)
- meet the character and suitability requirements
- gain two years’ qualifying work experience
- pass two stages of SQE assessment: SQE1 will test candidates’ functioning legal knowledge of the law of England and Wales, while SQE2 will test a combination of practical legal skills and knowledge.
What do you need to prepare for the assessment part of the SQE?
SQE1: BARBRI offers a variety of SQE1 Prep courses to suit individual circumstances: a flexible 40-week course, a focused 20-week course and an intense 10-week accelerated course. BARBRI courses are offered twice a year, leading into the SQE assessments so the information is still fresh. For more, see: https://www.barbri.com/sqe/sqe1-prep/
SQE2: BARBRI offers a range of courses and materials to help prepare applicants for the SQE2, which tests practical legal skills. Materials included recorded lectures, workbooks, self-practice and mock exams. For more, see: https://www.barbri.com/sqe/sqe2-prep/
How can BARBRI help you pass the exam?
Watch what applicants have said about their experiences with the BARBRI prep course for the SQE
What is the relationship between BARBRI and the BLC?
The BLC-BARBRI partnership offerS BLC students and alumni the ability to participate in courses to prepare for qualification as a lawyer in the UK or US. BLC students/alumni will benefit from a 20% discount on BARBRI’s regular prices for these courses. This means that the price payable for the BLC’s course is largely covered by the 20% price-reduction which BLC students/alumni then get on Barbri’s vocational-qualification courses.
What are the SQE prep course fees for BLC students?
BLC students/alumni will benefit from a 20% discount on BARBRI’s regular prices for these courses.
In 2024, the fees for the prep course are:
SQE1: £2,999
SQE2: £2,999 (with £500 discount if purchased as a package with the SQE1 course)
For up to date fees, see: https://www.barbri.com/sqe/about-the-exam/
How do I apply for the SQE prep course?
For upcoming BARBRI courses and enrolment, see: https://www.barbri.com/sqe/sqe1-prep/
To discuss how you, as a BLC student/alumni, can benefit from a BARBRI course, please click here.