A Professional and Dedicated Teaching Team
We are proud to have a teaching team comprising core teaching staff, visiting lecturers from leading UK Universities and special guest lectures by renowned experts and skilled practitioners.
The BLC’s current Academic Director is Professor Richard Fentiman (Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge).

Resident teaching team
The following are responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the BLC:

Dr Steve Terrett
BLC Director & Senior Lecturer
Advocate. Specialises in corporate and IP law.

Ruairi O'Neill
BLC Lecturer
Barrister. Specialises in commercial and EU law.

Will Odogwu
BLC Lecturer

Chris Sykes
BLC Lecturer
Solicitor, Senior lecturer at MMU. Specialises in criminal law and legal skills.
Special guest lecturers
The following is a sample of the special guest lecturers who have spoken at BLC centres:

Advocate General Michal Bobek
Advocate General to the CJEU

Iain Morley QC
East Caribbean Supreme Court

Sir Konrad Schiemannn
Former UK Judge at CJEU

Lord Robert Carnwath
UK Supreme Court Justice

Advocate General Maciej Szpunar
Advocate General to the CJEU

Judge Alexander Kornezov
Judge at the EU General Court

Sir Bernard Rix
UK Judge & International Arbitrator
Visiting lecturers (academics)
The following is a sample of the UK-based academics who have lectured at the BLC:

Professor Catherine Barnard
Cambridge University

Professor Robert Burrell
Oxford University

Prof Estelle Derclaye
Nottingham University

Dr Jennifer Davis
Cambridge University

Dr Krzysztof Garstka
Cambridge University

Dr Jonathan Morgan
Cambridge University

Prof David Amos
City University London

Prof Paul Torremans
Nottingham University

Prof Stefan Enchelmaier
Oxford University

Prof Rosa Greaves
University of Oslo

Dr Paul MacMahon
London School of Economics

Prof Okeoghene Odudu
Cambridge University

Dr Rafał Zakrzewski
Cambridge University

Professor Richard Fentiman
Cambridge University

Prof Dorota Leczykiewicz
Oxford University

Dr Mika Oldman
Cambridge University

Prof Laurent Pech
Middlesex University of London
Visiting lecturers (law firms)
The following is a sample of law firms’ representatives who have lectured at the BLC in previous years:

Dan Cocker
Allen & Overy

Michael Davies
Siemiątkowski & Davies

Michał Drwal
Clifford Chance

Nick Fletcher
Clifford Chance

Małgorzata Mroczkowska-Horne

Adrian Horne

Piotr Spaczyński
SSW Pragmatic Solutions

Bartłomiej Jankowski
JS Legal

Substantive Law
Study the most important areas of English law, with particular focus on commercially relevant issues. Familiarise yourself with the most common choice of governing law in international contracts.
Legal Skills
We help you develop a wide-ranging skills portfolio and monitor your progress on an ongoing basis. The skills and experience you acquire will help you stay ahead of the pack in the race for employment.
Learning English law and developing your skills portfolio is about making you more employable. Our entire focus is on helping you achieve your dream career, wherever and whatever it may be.